Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thank You!

Carl Kruger, Bill Stachowski, Ruben Diaz Sr., Joe Addabbo, Darrel Aubertine, Hiram Monserrate, Shirley Huntley and George Onorato

You are all wonderful people. Seriously.

You are now some of my favorite people on the planet, aside from you, Monserrate, you are a violent douchebag who should not be sitting.

My hope for all of you is that you find happiness in another life, because you are clearly unhappy in this one.

Which is not a threat implying violence in the least.

I just want you to know that I neither respect any of you nor your vote, because, bigotry on an institutional level is never cool, and it is NEVER right.

Your lack of backbone, and respect, for your party, for your fellow members, and for your lack of respect for the citizens who elected you is inspiring.

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