Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Am Jack's Total Lack of Surprise

A couple of months ago, I was turned down for a job from a small local college.

Now this small college is neither well endowed nor noteworthy, (Famous alum is a late night talk show host) but it offers a chance to take some classes for free in addition to it being a job that I can do easily and well.

Well, I didn't get the job and they hired someone who used to work below me at another job...

Oh, mother is the chair of one of the academic departments at this college...

Flash forward to this week.

My mother asked if I could set up Skype so she could attend a meeting. "Sure, no problem." I have Skype on my laptop, my father has Skype on his AirBook...even TEA has Skype on his notebook. (Why my mother doesn't have Skype, I do not know...)

So...I set the meeting up for her on my laptop and we wait for people to join...

NB: all the people on this call are on this call are from independent college that refused to employ me.

Multiple people join but they are having issues connecting everyone. mom calls small crappy college tech support? One of the other people who are on the campus of "We Need the Tuition" U call the help desk?

No, my mom hands me the phone and tells me (tells me!) to fix it.



Be nice. Sign your name.