Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yay! Travel!

I love the train and I believe that everyone should use it more often. It is a wonderful way to travel and more to the point, it is inexpensive and very convenient in addition to being fairly carbon friendly.

TEA did cry as I left this morning, and part of that was related to it being 6:30 am and he doesn't do mornings, and the other part of that is that we do have a really good time together.

The other thing about this morning that I feel compelled to mention is that my 60 lbs. Kelty Redwing 3100 pack (Which has become my travel bag of choice because I can pack everything, including my netbook and books as well as clothing and toiletries for a week and be hands free to do other things. For a plane, I do have to check it, but for the train, it is perfect.) is not playing nicely with my proto sun tan (i.e. I was stupid and even though I was applying sunscreen all through the week, I forgot to reapply yesterday and...well...I do have some great lobster red skin right now on my shoulders and back) and I am not as comfortable as I should be. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that these are first world problems.

I am happy that I made this trip, and my family did not drive me as crazy as I thought, though I may have driven them crazier than they expected.

Yay me!

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