Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Peoples' Revolution?!?

Andy Cuomo will be the next Governor of New York State.

There. I said it.

Carl Paladino will spend a lot of money to lose in November and it won't change the fact that Andy Cuomo will be the Governor-Elect in seven weeks.

Mr. Cuomo will be a good Governor. What is funny about this is that Rick Lazio would have made a good Governor as well.

Carl Paladino will make an awesomely bad Governor. He would make an awesomely bad public servant.

But...he will be fun to watch?

Let's look at Lazio. Ten years ago, he was selected to run against someone with great name recognition and he put forward a valid campaign that had a chance to win (with the exception of some of his behavior at one of the debates) and this year, he was made, once again, the sacrificial lamb for the GOP. But Carl Paladino had other ideas.

Those ideas are full of hatred, anger, and short on ideas and ideals.

Which is what New York needs...and the GOP gives is Carl Paladino.

The era of the New York Republican Party as a voice of moderation and reason is over.

By the way...Carl, Peoples' Revolution (which you proclaimed your victory to be) reminds me of Chairman Mao. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. You must be kidding. Cuomo will be a horror show. Do you have any idea the melt down this state is now going through. The government is totally corrupt and yes Shelley Silver is the anti-christ.


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