Monday, September 13, 2010

If I Could Turn Back Time……

This is a guest post from JMFJT

I would have never have agreed to attend a networking event at a not-so-local VFW.

This event made a colonoscopy with no anesthesia while eating potato chips seem like a good idea.

Highlights included:

• JMFJT engaging in a competition of sorts with a girl who was what would have been produced if the Hoff and Blondie mated.
• Manders manhandling a jumbo hotdog and not understanding that there were immature people all around her who live for moments like that.
• Who knew an “inn” was synonymous with a “bar?”
• An overly-energetic rendition of “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning.” This song is more depressing than watching your dog get shot and this guy had mucho gusto.

What did I sing, you ask?

If I Could Turn Back Time – Cher
Heartbreaker – Pat Benatar

No, there are no videos. Yes, you can see it live some random Friday at the Side Door Café.

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