So, who is the best fund raiser in Upstate New York?
Wait, that would be Shirley Jackson, and I am not trying to do anything like her.
Who is the second best fund raiser in Upstate New York?
Oh, crap...that's Andrew Cuomo...
Let us just all agree that WAMC's Alan Chartock (Dr. Alan Chartock, apologies for being too familiar) can raise money with the best of them and the seasonal fund drive is...memorable.
One of the things that makes the fund drive work, apart from the stories, and believe me, I have a wonderfully contrived story about how my mo' was going to be sponsored by Saint Rose, but then I would be prohibited from talking about reproductive rights and marriage equality and my mo' and I walked out of there, because my mo' has inegrity, is the raffles for the people who pledge.
You know what I am talking about, right?
Pledge $100 and you get to see James Taylor cut his hair or something like that.
So, I have no access to James Taylor, and no great Pete Seeger stories.
What I do have in abdundance is a lack of pride and a willingness to look the fool and I promised that if I got to $1000 in donations, I would run the Turkey Trot in a Turkey Suit. See, lookin' the fool! What to do? Raffle my time off and make it valuable.
Therefore, here is how I am valuing my time and your donations:
For a $100 Donation, up to two donors will have me for a full day of Holiday shopping, where I will carry the bags and run the the car, and push the old lady down who is in your way when you are trying to buy that $13 DVD player. (Excludes Black Friday and Christmas Eve)
For a $50 Donation, up to two donors will get three hours of labor from me. This can be house cleaning, this can be raking, this can be anything you want. The hours do not have to be used consecutively.
For a $25 Donation, up to two donors will get me to come over to your home and cook for you and three other people.
For a $20 Donation, up to two donors will get two hours of computer repair and service.
For a $10 Donation, I will have a beer, cup of coffee, or ice cream with you. I will not buy you one, but I will have one with you.
For $250 Donation, I will be your Shopping Sherpa on Black Friday. Yep, I am saying it. $250 GETS ME ON THE WORST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR. The first person to make this donation will automatically get this and it comes off the board.
The drawing will occur on December 2nd, and I will be announcing the winners on the blog and Facebook.
To break it down again:
$250 = Black Friday Shopping Sherpa
$100 = Shopping Sherpa
$50 = Day Laborer
$25 = Personal Cook for a Dinner Party
$20 = Computer Support
$10 = Drinks and Such
Please make your donations at Movember and thanks to those who have donated already!
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