I have a number of reasons; personal, political, and comical. (Come on, I look really silly doing this, and I have provided hours of entertainment so far with this project.)
But the main reason I am doing this is the reason that every parent does something: to make the life of their child better.

That's TEA & I from about ten minutes ago (he is not feeling well again today) and one of the things that I hope this project does is to create a world where TEA doesn't have to worry about his junk being affected by cancer or subject to surgery and treatment that makes him sterile or impotent.
That's what we are talking about...
With these cancers, death is always in the background, but what about if death is avoided. Then my child is left with a a myriad of bad choices.
Maybe...just maybe, my son, your son, your nephews, and the children of your friends will be able to grow up in a world where they can grow a 'Mo because it looks awful and not because they are working to end cancer.
If you agree, please take the time to donate to Movember (plus you get to see me run around in a Turkey Suit and there are all the giveaways).
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far, especially to Lux who donated while stating this:
Ain't no Nedward like a hairy-faced Nedward, 'cuz a hairy-faced Nedward don't stop.
Tru Dat, Son, Tru Dat.
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