Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Hall of Game

There are a lot of baseball players who do not deserve to be in Cooperstown, but they do deserve to have something of theirs memorialized.

Think about this for a minute, events like Todd Pratt's non-home run home run to put the Mets into the playoffs should be immortalized forever.

Or this event...

He talks about what happened here:

Jeter is going to be in the Hall of Fame, and probably on the first ballot, but what about people like Todd Pratt who is never going to be, and does not deserve to be.

The Hall of Game.

Who do you think deserves it and why?

The only condition is that they cannot have a plaque in Cooperstown. Not that this discriminates against someone like Jeter, because he is not in the Hall...yet.

I will try to post one a week and I am asking anyone who wants to contribute to please do. What is your favorite Hall of Game moment?

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