Tuesday, February 15, 2011

UnCorporate Indie Rock Rules

On Sunday, unsurprisingly (to me at least) Arcade Fire won the Grammy award for Album of the Year which was a shock to some. (Insert snark here about how it was a surprise to those who did not listen to the album or only listened to the Eminem album and fail to appreciate how different genres of music can be compared, or that they are so myopic about their own choices, the fail to recognize brilliance when they see it.)

This is not to say that those who do not like Arcade Fire do not appreciate them as brilliant. (Yes, if you think I am talking about you, I am talking about you.)

But the shock and consternation from some about this album being the Album of the Year is amazing and it would have been something to rant about if a larger announcement about another band that I have an autistic devotion to had not taken up my attention.

Radiohead is releasing a new album, The King of Limbs, and it will be available on the 19th of February. (Yes, I realize that my perspective is skewed. Arcade Fire winning the Album of the Year Grammy is huge while Radiohead announcing another album with an odd distribution method may be fairly banal.)

It has been a good week for me, in terms of music, and I am looking forward to Saturday morning when I can give The King of Limbs several dedicated listens.

Edit at 11:00: Speaking of shock and consternation regarding Arcade Fire: Who is Arcade Fire? (H/T to @jonathanrnash)

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