Wednesday, February 16, 2011

National Day of Unplugging

Sabbath Manifesto presents an interesting challenge for March 4th into March 5th.

The National Day of Unplugging

To put it simply, what they want you to do is turn off your cell phone, sign out of e-mail, and refuse to go to Twitter or Facebook (or your social networking site of choice) between sundown on Friday and sundown on Saturday.

Now, I have done this for a twenty four hour period before and it was...interesting. (I mean by choice, not being stuck in airports and planes, et cetera, for a 24 hour period.)

Anyone willing to do it with me?

They do have a FAQ that shows that they aren't asking for a total abandonment of technology, especially if reconnecting with loved one's means a phone call to someone who is three thousand miles away, but they do list Ten Principles that the organization suggests following.

Edit: By the way, sundown on Friday is 5:48 pm. Just letting you know.

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