Monday, April 25, 2011

5 Things - Five Things That I Could Not Live Without*

  1. My iPhone - My music, my e-mail, always on communication, and now holding 25 books.
  2. Craft Beer - There is always something new and tasty to try.
  3. My watch - How often do I look at it?  All the time.  After my glasses, it is the first thing that I put on in the morning.
  4. My glasses - Without them, I feel naked, and I rely on them more often than I care to admit as I get older.
  5. Coffee - Coffee, maybe (and that is a big maybe) more than beer, is what I look forward to.  It is hot, bitter, and occasionally, it does not agree with me.  (It's like dating in a paper cup.)
*Things: Of course I could not live without my friends and family.  People are different and more important.

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