Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bullet Points for Easter Sunday

  • Ashley won the contest and will be having dinner with me at New World.  You can see her winning entry on Facebook.
  • Brunch is one of those things that makes life better.  It is proof that we are doing something right, and it is uniquely American.
  • After complaining about using e-readers (even with both Teacher Dave and my sister Abbey on Friday), I installed an e-reader on my iPhone and spent some time this morning reading a number of different things.  Yes, I am a hypocrite when it comes to this, I own it.
  • I need to go down and visit my father.  When should I go? (June would be too hot, no?)  Anyone want to see me when I am on Marco Island?
  • Comparing someone to Frank from 30 Rock (ans saying that they are not as funny) was awesome in the moment, but then struck me as mean, if true.
  • The Mets have won three in a row.  That being said, we are going to lose today.
  • The last three nights I have had great dreams and I am left wondering what my subconscious is going to do to me as a punishment.
  • Why yes, I am wearing a bow tie.  It is Easter Sunday.  Though, for me, it is just another Sunday.

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