Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dave and I go to Eggy's

All Over Albany had a piece about Eggy's this week.
(Here is my full disclosure part of the blog: I have been enjoying to food of "the Egg Man" for years. Ever since I moved back to the area, so...fourteen years now. I also worked with his brother. And, once or twice a month, I will go and grab one of his egg sandwiches.)

So, when Dave and I were looking for lunch on Friday, I thought of the Egg Man, largely because the AoA piece did not have a picture of the pulled pork sandwich (with the coleslaw on top of the sandwich) and I wanted to see it, and try it, because...well...I have never had anything but eggs from the Egg Man.
The Pulled Pork (Or the Dirty Pig as Egg Man refers to it) was incredible.

Dave got the Cowboy Special, which he loved, and it did not leave him filled but pleasantly happy after a good meal.

Plus, as the post on AoA stated, he is cheap, and cheap enough that those of you who eat on the plaza should take a little bit of a walk and try some great cart food in a really weird location.

It is close to Wolff's (and soon, Stout) as well as Thatcher Street Pub and Habitat...(hint: come in and check out the ReStore.)

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