Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Song #3

This song came out when I was nine and I loved it then.

That I still find myself singing it while in the shower twenty five plus years later I find hard to understand (I was going to try to make a "Hard to Hold" joke but it seemed too difficult.) and more difficult to explain.

So...let's talk about this video for a second...

In the future, on a distant desert world (Arrakis?), humanity is grey faced and enslaved by the lizard people (The Gorn?) to work in a factory where they are shackled and forced to either pull on fire hoses or use two pound sledges to hammer things. And then...there is our hero, Rick Springfield...

Look at him. Not grey at all, and perfectly suited to lead the rebellion with his song and his "futuristic" headset mic. Naturally, someone that "pretty" is the natural leader of the rebellion against the Lizard People, and he is more than amazing because his Tarzan swing and kick was able to make the "Lizard with the Laser Turret" explode.

And then...

After being carried by the adoring grey people, he ends up back on the stage...to finish singing!

So, what was the point of this video?

I think, upon a close viewing, that it had something to do with the end of the Cold War, but...I can't make it work intellectually.

Edit: While I was searching for the static image of Mr. Springfield, I came across this post from io9.com about the 10 greatest post-apocalyptic music videos of all time. I wish I had known about this, but...there are better speculative fiction blogs out there right now (and no, I am not going to share) and io9 has started to bore me.


  1. This is amazing. I think it's one or more of the following:

    --A valuable lesson that, if you're going to be a cruel alien lizard slaveowner, it doesn't pay to go budget on your choice of laser cannon.

    --A metaphor about the right to work movement.

    --Security camera footage from an actual Rick Springfield house party. At Rick James's house.

  2. *I am surprised that they portrayed Lord Xenu as such a cheap bastard.

    Did you know that Springfield was such a fan of veal? Check out the Wikipedia entry. Jessie's girl, indeed.

  3. So the handcuffs in the video symbolize the age of consent...?

  4. It makes "Don't Talk to Strangers" even creepier, doesn't it?


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