Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keeping what in public schools?

There is a cause related group that I support.

It is called "Keep the Arts in Public Schools" and it is something that I do really believe in. Even though I have no artistic talent to speak of, it is something that is important. Too much math and science has turned people into automatons (or worse, cogs in a machine that eats talented people and spits out husks) without any sense of wonder or appreciation for beauty.

Now, I really support this and the teachers that dedicate their time and effort to making Arts education a priority.

Last night, I received this e-mail with the subject header "Integrat".

The subject was about this excellent program in York, PA.

However, when you are arguing for keeping arts education in public schools, and promoting an integrated platform to do this, shouldn't you make sure that you spell check the subject of the e-mail? Integrat? Really?

*shakes head*

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