Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Summer Reading Suggestion

If you have been reading me for a while, or know me in real life, you know that I am a huge fan of apocalyptic fiction. Maybe it is because so many of my favorite novels as a child were based on the end of the world, or what came after, or maybe it was watching The Day After at too impressionable an age. Maybe, just maybe, it is some narcissistic belief that when the end of the world comes, I will be spared and I will help in the rebuilding process. Yes, I know...someone like me in charge is much more terrifying than the end of the world...

But, that is an unnecessary digression. Apologies.

Last summer, I picked up an anthology of end of the world short stories called Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse. Now, I mention that I picked this up last year because yesterday, I also picked it up for my Nook. (Buying too many books at the same time and not reading them Fail?)

It is a wonderful collection.

I had read a number of these before, like Cory Doctorow's When SysAdmin Ruled the World (which...come on...feeding into my erroneous belief that I would be of any value at the end of the world...well...maybe I could help with uptime), however, a number of them were foreign to me.

If you like the short story, and want some short stories that are perfect to give you chills as the sun is beating down on you while the beer you are sipping on perspires, I must make this suggestion. Support your local book seller as well. (You know that you can buy your e-books through your local book seller, right?)

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