Saturday, July 2, 2011

Nothing to see here...nothing to say

Yesterday in a nutshell

Breakfast at Spill'n the Beans

Then dropping off 3000 lbs of metal at the scrap yard.

Then...the highlight of the day...removing a 600 lbs 1926 South Bend Lathe from a basement. It is heavier than anything but it is a beautiful piece of machinery.

After that, Teacher Dave and I deserved a treat so...milk shakes at Frank's (which some of my readers actually worked at back in the day. Right, Fish?)!

After Habitat for Humanity, I went to McGeary's for an after volunteering beer (or a couple) and then headed home. My brother and I ordered pizza from DaVinci's which was so good.* (We did stop so I could pick up lots of corn on the cob for the weekend and the BBQs/Cookouts that I am attending.)

Then Dan did something evil. He made me watch True Blood. From the beginning. This is not a good show. For a number of reasons, but...

I have to watch. Mostly because I am developing a thing for Anna Paquin. That may be justification enough to continue to watch this show.

* The Pizza DaVinci check in awarded me another badge on Foursquare. The Pizzaiolo badge. I wonder is that will help with my Klout score? If you aren't using location based social networking, you should be. Why aren't you?

(By the way, if any of you care, my top songs so far has not changed at all this month, I will get around to making a post about it.)

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