Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bullet Pointing a Thursday

  • I woke up from a dream.  The dream was where someone was telling me a joke.  I forget the dream and who was telling the joke, but I know the punchline..."Jessica Tandy's Sex Tape".  Great, no?  Try to get that image out of your head.
  • Tomorrow is TEA's birthday.  I am picking him up from school and taking him out to dinner tonight.  We are going to his favorite place, which so happens to be the New World Bistro Bar.
  • Shopping for a nine year old is fun.  Mostly because when I am looking at the things, I ask myself, "Would I want this one?"  Then I get the better one that I would like to have.
  • I have failed to find a transcript from last night's GOP Debate.  I have watched some coverage of it, and read some quick recaps but I have failed to get a clear idea of who the winners (apart from Mittens) really were.  Any suggestions?  Should I bother?
  • I am not going to complain about the rain, especially as friends are being flooded out.  Again.
  • I missed Chrissie Hynde's birthday yesterday.  I will rectify that.

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