Sunday, September 4, 2011

Current Reads

The Leftovers - Tom Perrotta - I am just getting into this one and I have noticed something different about this. It is less mean than Little Children or Election. I think this is a good thing. Perrotta becomes more engaging with every page. I know that this book has been reviewed a lot (I have not read them but I can only assume that they are great) and that being nothing related to a literary critic, I suggest you pick this up on your own.

The First Days - Rhiannon Frater - This book is kind of famous for some reason. I picked it up at the Book House because I had read good things about it (even though I cannot find the review online any longer) and I was hoping that it was going to be another fun zombie book. I have to withhold judgment until I actually finish it but...maybe the reviewers and I look for different things when it comes to writing and such. I do not enjoy giggling at scenes that should be evoking a sense of horror or dread, but maybe they enjoy that.

Dog Blood - David Moody - If you loved Hater, you owe it to yourself to read this. Just do it. Stop asking questions.

The Know It All - A.J. Jacobs - What does a guy who has outsourced his life do for fun? Read the Britannica cover to cover. I like Jacobs as a writer, especially some of the things he has done for Esquire but I am not sure that I would like him as a friend or colleague.

1 comment:

  1. I am eager to read The Leftovers when you are finished with the book :) Happy birthday!


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