Monday, September 12, 2011

Cheers & Jeers for a Monday


  • Everyone speaks well of the "WTF Podcast" (and it is deserved), but I really like Girl on Guy with Aisha Tyler. Just for the simple reason that Aisha Tyler is much hotter than Marc Maron.  For some of my male readers, this may be the only girl on guy that you will have in your life without cash being exchanged.  
  • Is there a more utilitarian item of clothing for guys than that grey t-shirt?
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  A great breakfast at a wonderfully greasy spoon several times over the same weekend with different friends makes it even better.
  • Skull Candy noise cancelling headphones make life even more awesome, even if it means that I am the guy walking down the street while being totally oblivious to your lives.
  • Walgreen's is giving away a flu shot to someone in need for every Foursquare check-in.
  • MLB should have let the Mets wear the FDNY and NYPD hats.  
  • I love Big Blue but the combination of Eli and Coughlin is going to end up killing me.
  • Two games in and Union's football season is effectively over.
  • Falling asleep early leading to waking up early.  Earlier than most things in the world are open.

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