Thursday, September 15, 2011

You take the good, you take the bad...

  •  I had a dream where I was being conditioned to be part of a desert unit that was a combination T.E. Lawrence and  Resident Evil: Extinction.  It was odd.  This time I can not blame it on a burrito.
  • My alarm went off at 5:30 am (as it does) and the back up alarm went off at 7:30 am (as it does) and I woke up at 9:21 am (DO NOT WANT) which normally would not have been a big deal however I made a choice to not pack and do laundry last night so that I could run errands with my brother.
  • I grabbed my laundry basket and noticed that my spray bottle had leaked all over the bag of laundry supplies.
  • Both machines were open, and I separated my darks and blacks, and off to the laundry races.  As I headed upstairs to the apartment, I realized that, in my haste, I had forgotten my iPhone.  Once I tried to open the door, I realized that, in my haste, I had forgotten my iPhone, my keys, and to unlock the door.
  • Luckily, one of the nice people who is working on the building let me borrow their cell phone, and I was able to call my brother, who arrived within ten minutes.  He was, as one could expect, laughing at me.
  • When I settled into the apartment, I figured I would locate my iPhone, and plug my Skull Candy into Shuffle and...then it hit me...even though I had taken the time to clean out the pockets of my jeans, I never checked the coin pocket, and that is were I have been keeping the Shuffle.  Making sure the door was unlocked, and that I had my phone, I ran down the stairs, threw open the washer, and searched for the Shuffle.  No luck there.  I went back upstairs and searched for it.  No luck there.
  • Luckily, the iPod Shuffle seems to be a lot more water proof than other Apple products.  This makes me happy
  • I get to spend the afternoon with TEA.  I am trying to figure out if it is the movies and Indian food or the comic book shop and pizza.
  • Tomorrow, I have breakfast plans with Teacher/Trucker Dave at Duncan's Dairy Bar before volunteering at Habitat for Humanity.
  • to Boston & Providence for the weekend and early part of next week.  I am looking forward to time with HJ77, shopping at the Hope Street Farmers' Market, dinner at Cook and Brown, and an oral history panel that will force me to be on my best behavior.


  1. Oh, bowling may be on the agenda with TEA as well...this is an interesting turn of events.

    Yay! Bowling!?!

  2. Yay for bowling - I love bowling. So glad your shuffle survived the wash. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!


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