Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Awesome Things & Odd Things

Awesome Thing:

I am sure that you have heard about the penguin colony at the California Academy of Sciences, and that link is an awesome waster of time, but now you cn do this on the go. I stumbled upon the apps for both Android and iOS devices. TEA has decided that he wants to be a marine biologist and I am sure that we are going to spend a lot of time just staring at these penguins.

Odd Thing:

Chuck Norris For Newt

Via Politico

Awesome Thing:

My friend Elizabeth's second cookbook is coming out this week. You can order it on Amazon and I am sure that you can find it at your local bookstore.

Odd Thing:

I had a dream that I won the MegaMillions (all $171 Million of it) and after that two women (both of which I love though in completely different ways) both expressed interest in dating me. We were sitting in a conference room, with myself on one side of the table and the two women sitting side by side on the other side of the table. Let's call the women RHD and BLG. They both expressed interest (now that I was a multi-millionaire) and I told them both that "While I love you, I cannot trust either of you with my heart." BLG asked if there was anything that they could do to change that. RHD looked at BLG, looked at me, and looked at BLG again and then delivered a devastating right cross to BLG's jaw. Odd, no? Neither of these women would fight over me in real life.

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