Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Every Day is Better with Pie (or Pi)

• Terry O'Neill, President of NOW, was on MSNBC yesterday and when she was speaking of Sandra Fluke, called Fluke a "young woman". Not to be ageist, but after 25, isn't the young man/young woman thing a bit dismissive? Would you mind being called a "young" person?

• Pi Day - 3.1415926535 - I prefer apple.

• Colcannon made yesterday from meh to not-so-meh.

• I did not win the MegaMillions. Stupid tax on the math impaired.

• My brother shaved his winter beard off. This prompted me to create (in my head) a dating site profile for him where his name was Jar Jar Bottoms. It made me chuckle. I cannot, in good conscience, repeat what I decided that his tag line should be.

• Santorum spreads through Mississippi and Alabama. The grin on my face as I made that joke may be worth seeing Sen. Santorum in a general election.

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