Sunday, April 29, 2012

Superb Sunday Morning

At a certain age, the best part of waking up is waking up...
One of the best things about reaching a certain age is that after a great, and busy, day spent with people that you love, it is more than acceptable to fall asleep on your couch, beer slowly transferring heat into your hand, while watching baseball. Now there are other things that I would have preferred to be doing, but it was all-in-all an exceptional evening and the Mets won! Bonus!

This did mean that I was wide awake before the weekend alarm went off (7 am for those that are following along at home) and because I am not feeling one hundred percent, I turned on the news and had tea and toast. (More on the toast later.)

A quick note on the #NerdProm and the coverage of the #NerdProm. The jokes were neither shocking nor were they particularly funny. The coverage this morning was fairly banal too. I mean, what Colbert did a couple of years ago was transgressive but, Jimmy Kimmel? For the record, BHO is not funny. Please, do not try to make him funny. The Sunday Morning shows were more irksome than usual.

And I cook...
I cooked on Thursday! (I also forgot to take a picture.) Flash frozen ahi which was coated in white sesame and pan seared, angel hair pasta with a sauce made from fresh baby portabella mushrooms, baby spinach, roma tomatoes, red onion, and crushed garlic. It was okay. The tuna was overcooked because my dining companion preferred their tuna well done. The pasta was good and because I measured incorrectly, I have had a lot of leftovers. The best part was the bread which was still warm when I grabbed it from the bakery section of my supermarket of choice*. With a butter substitute that I was introduced to by HJ77, it was one of the most delicious things ever. The rest of the loaf has also made wonderful toast in the morning for me. See, I told you that there would be more about the bread later.

I feel like J-LO
My father is in town for the weekend, and has a Fiat 500. It is adorable. Even though I am really not of fan of the internal combustion engine vehicle, this is really cute. So cute that even I look good in it.

Well, maybe not good...

Baseball has been very very good to TEA

TEA pitched yesterday and he did well. He was happy with his performance. Upon seeing one of the pictures that was posted to Facebook, Teacher Dave offered to give TEA some pitching lessons. We are going to take him up on this offer. It does make me happy that my son is really getting into baseball. It is more than a little awesome.

For the game, my brother and father decided to watch TEA play. It was great of them to come out and it made TEA very happy.

And after the game, the four of us headed to the Fountain for pizza!

It was an amazing day. Seriously so... it was the capstone on an awesome couple of days. Remember when I wrote the other day that I was about to spend a series of days seeing my favorite people in the world? Yes, that happened and it was great!

An Odd Movie Question
Do you have a movie that you are embarrassed about not loving even though your friends love it and you are supposed to love it?

I do.

Yeah, I hate The Shawshank Redemption.

What's yours?

The App That You Need
You need to download and install justWink. Trust me.

Finally... - Sometimes I stalk you online to remember why I don't want you anymore.

It is okay to admit that you do it. I know that I do...for some people. Most aren't worth it with their banality equaling my own.

*Continuing Rant about people and supermarkets and brand affiliation and more asshatedness about this at All Over Albany.


  1. Braveheart. I know it's supposed to be good. I sat through it once, nearly tossed my cookies during the evisceration, probably fell asleep, and have no desire to do it again. Feel similar about Titanic. I mean, we all know the boat sinks, only women and children make it out alive. It was a waste of three hours of my life to sit through it.

  2. Oh, Braveheart is awful. So is Gladiator.

    Good for you and your dislike...


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