Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lost Cat in Mechanicville

Yeah, this is not normally something that I would post, but my sister and nephew are devastated by their cat, Mila, escaping from their home in Mechanicville last night.

Mila, as you can see is beautiful, and she can be very sweet. She is also dumb as a post due to the nature of her parentage (think the banjo playing albino child in Deliverance)and may not be the best animal to survive in the "wilds" of Saratoga County.

She is fixed, has her claws, and as I said, she is not equipped to survive in the wild.

A reward for her safe return will be offered and, more than the reward, you will make a single mom and her son very happy.

Please contact me at with any information.

Thanks, and if you could repost this, retweet it, and share it around the interwebs, I will be forever grateful.

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