Sunday, October 18, 2009

It has been...

...Years since I last read the local paper. Maybe even a decade since I picked it up regularity and longer than that since I had a subscription (think Seattle Times) to one.

Therefore, I have missed the quality of the people writing into the local fish wrapper (TM "Le Show") in the age of blogs.

I took the time to read the letters written to express disgust and disbelief about what is going on.

These letters are almost always written by people living in some craptacular 'burb-clave (think driving to a strip mall to eat at Chili's or Applebee's, think no sidewalks, think of well...Glenn Beck's America) and I wouldn't trust these people to have an opinion about what ice cream they like let alone the positions they hold about policy questions.

So...have we gone so far that people are too dull, too uniformed to rant into the ether of the web are allowed to still have a voice. In a Hearst paper. In 2009.

Hate them. Hate the paper. Hate the mouth breathers.

(BTW, what set me off was the crazed rantings of someone from Colonie regarding Rush Limbaugh and his aborted purchase of a share of the St. Louis Rams.)

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