Sunday, January 30, 2011

Poaching Fail or Finding Breakfast

When I wrote about how wonderful the poached eggs were at the Pearl Street Diner, I mentioned on how poached eggs should be served. On the toast, right?

So, yesterday when I went in search of breakfast, I figured that Spill'n the Beans which had quickly become on of my favorite coffee shops would do my eggs correctly.

As you can see, I was wrong. Very very wrong.

Then this morning, I had my usual at Capital City Diner (formerly Metro 20).

The eggs belong on the toast, or maybe...just maybe...on the home fries. They do not belong in a little bowl on the plate.

I want to start a movement to prevent this travesty from continuing. Now, some of you are saying that not everyone likes there eggs on their toast, and I am trying to explain to you that those people are douchebags. They are wrong and they should ask for something special (like a bowl) and I should have my meal properly made.

Who is with me?


  1. Hmmm...I like my poached eggs on toast. However, I do remember learning that, since they are delicate, they should be served in a bowl to prevent the yolk from breaking before it gets to the table. The eggs can be tipped onto toast, if desired, by the diner right before eating. Also, a good place will cover the bowl to keep them warm up until serving.

  2. I know they are delicate and I want them properly placed on my toast by professionals.

    (I always break them while moving them, I also dislike the excess liquid in the bottom of the bowl.)

  3. Ask for them on the toast when you place your order. That why you are happy and the kitchen knows what you want.

  4. It is only in the past year that I have noticed the bowl. Or more to the point, I have started being really irked by the bowl...

    I don't feel that I should have to ask.

  5. Really? I usually order my eggs poached and in small places they've always come in a bowl.'s always better to ask for what you want at a restaurant.

  6. Yeah, just the past year and I haven't seen a difference between the small or the larger places.


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