Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This is a song about looking into the eyes of your beloved...and having a staring contest

I really hope that it works out that I am going to be able to see The Mountain Goats when they are in New York in the early spring. (March 28th and 29th at the Bowery Ballroom)

What are the chances that we could get John to play in Albany? It would make me really happy (as well as a bunch of others).


  1. Start a Facebook campaign. If you post it, they will come...

    [I hate that the shows are on a Monday and Tuesday. ARGH WTF WOOOOOOORK]

  2. I also happen to be really insanely busy the weekend before hand, so it is a long shot that I will make it down, but...I really want to go. As to starting a Facebook campaign...maybe. It seems like a good idea.


Be nice. Sign your name.