Friday, April 15, 2011

And I need new sunglasses

I wear my glasses all the time, and I am uncomfortable without them, both physically (my eyes get tired really quickly without them) and mentally as my face feels naked. Eyeglasses are generally the first thing that people put on in the morning, and the last thing they take off at night. My experiment with contacts was hilarious and probably for another time.

Anyway, I needed to have my Oakley's fixed so they rested more comfortably on my face, and while I was there, I realized that if I am going to do all the things outside that I want to do this summer, I need sun glasses as I am not always going to be wearing a ball cap. So, I started looking at new prescription sunglasses.

I think I found a pair.

I have a couple of days to think about it (as I set up an appointment for next week) but should I go with these? (Can I look any more dour?)

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