Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Contest - Here It Is

Remember when I mentioned a contest? Dinner a New World Bistro with me? Dinner on me (All Over Albany, actually)!

Well, here it is and it is open for the next week.

First, become a fan of AFM on Facebook, then, on the Wall, answer one of these three questions:

1)If you were to be wrongly accused of a crime, which crime would it be and why?

2)What was your worse date ever?

3)You are stuck on a desert island, and you are going to get a companion, can choose one person in the world not to have join you. Who and why? (Hitler is a cop out.)

The person who wins the contest, and with it, dinner with me, is the person whose answer gets the most "Likes".

Tell your friends, family, and the people you know in prison who are checking Facebook on their smuggled phone.

Anyone can enter, so long as they have a Facebook account.

The rules again:

Become of fan of AFM
Answer one of the questions
Like the best answers.

The contest will end on April 22nd at midnight.

I reserve the right to change the dynamics of this contest at any point.

JMFJT had some suggestions. Take them with a grain of salt.

1. Must be shorter than 5'09"
2. Must be mildly intelligent (this can be measured with a question like what year was Kennedy killed.....and yes, a lot of people don't know that)
3. Must be willing to give it up (help the gland)
4. Must like music, not necessarily your music but an interest in music is always appreciated
5. Must like children (seeing you have a kid)

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