Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Beer App You Need Now - BeerCloud

The folks behind have a beer app called BeerCloud (iTunes store link but there is an Android app as well).

What does it do?

You are at a bar and instead of asking the bartender what an unfamiliar beer is like, you just type in the beer into the search function and you find out everything you need to know about it. This is not to discount the importance of the bartender. I know several that are incredibly knowledgeable about beer, willing to give tasting samples, and know my tastes well enough to tell me that X beer will not be for me. An app can never replace an excellent bartender.

Here are some screenshots so you do not have to take my word for it. For the purposes of this test, I used Ommegang's Three Philosophers.

And because some people do not drink "weird beer", they even list the macrobrews!

While the Android app has more social functionality, the developers promise that will be in the next version of the iPhone app. I look forward to it.

Download it now. You will be a better beer drinker for it.


  1. I am sad they don't have this app for the Blackberry. I hate that my phoe is somehow *so* last year . . .

    But it amuses me that they even include Coors. I wonder if those people have ever actually tasted the Rockies.

  2. They have every beer imaginable!

    And yes, you need to upgrade at some point. Not necessarily to the iPhone as I know your carrier doesn't support it, but...maybe a Droid...

    Or you could get an iPod Touch, but we both know how "unnecessary" that is.


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