Monday, May 30, 2011

Things for this Monday Morning

  • I remember who dream woman was when I awoke this morning and realized that she has been in my dreams for two weeks.
  • I love the way that I feel when my skin has a bit of color. I guess I was very lucky to be able to do this stuff outside.
  • When I studied for things like the RHCE, I had time.  Cramming this much into my head after not having touched it for two years is...maddening.  The worst part about this is that I knew that I knew this at one point and now I am struggling to remember.  Well, 24 hours.
  • Anthony Weiner's weiner.  When I sent this to someone on Saturday night, they didn't care.  I don't think that anyone cares now.  I just find myself laughing at it.
  • Yes, you can start wearing your seersucker and linen now.  If you do not own seersucker, were not raised right.
  • Let us not forget their names, their sacrifice, and their willingness to fight and die for an idea.

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