Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Song #11

Is it really 11? I haven't been keeping track. Not that it matters...

This one is a big one, and I was reminded of it during a conversation with Teacher Dave a couple of weeks ago.

It is from a great band (one of the greatest) and it is a great song, so why is it a guilty pleasure.

Yep, that's the Rolling Stones, and that is "Miss You".

So, why do I feel guilt about this?

Well...I blame Stephen Metcalf from Slate. A couple of years ago, when they were doing their now annual "What is going to be the song of the summer?" segment on Slate's Culture Gabfest, he mentioned that this was the song that he recognized as being the last song that every station played. Regardless of genre, it made the playlist, and it does work that way. So...I added it to my summer playlist, with some trite title.

I listened to that playlist a lot that summer, and I fell in love with this song. I have a very distinct image in my head of what this song is about, and when the weather hit the low nineties today (and I was in a suit), I put it on, plugged my headphones in and just...relaxed to the music.

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