Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And it is autumn...

My nightmare (okay…it is not a nightmare…it is more like an unpleasant dream) regarding my domain is over. As you know, or you can see now, AFM is now at (I am an org, yo!) Apart from other things that I do have going on, I will be spending the day transitioning everything over to the .org address. I know, you are jealous. It is awesome!

Anyway, it is the first day of autumn, which is my second favorite season. I am looking forward to wearing sweaters, and cold mornings with hot afternoons, and the leaves changing and Union football. The season makes me think of kicking though dry leaves while walking home from school. It is not lost on me that I have a child who is able to do the same thing and seems to enjoy it just as much.

Edit at 10:15: Oops. I don't know why I thought the Equinox was today. Thank you, anonymous commenter. I do appreciate the edification even though you chose to do it anonymously.


  1. Autumn begins Friday.

  2. Oh, thanks. I don't know why I thought the equinox was today. My bad.

    I appreciate the correction.


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