Monday, September 19, 2011


I like games. Not video games. (Aside from Civilization, I do not really play video games. I understand their novelty, but...I would rather read.) Words games and choice based games.

You like F/M/K (or the heterosexual male version "Bro/Bestman/Kill") but I cam up with a new one the other day and it has been floating around in what used to be my brain for three days. Teacher Dave played it with me (and it took hours) and HJ77 played it as well.

I call it Exile.

Here is the supposition that is at the heart of the game:

You are the enemy of the state. This being a progressive country (and because you are popular), you are not going to be put to death but exiled (for life) to a tropical desert island. On this island, you will have all the media you can want, but once you are cut off from the world, no new media will come along. There is enough good food to last for the rest of your life, plus the ability to grow more food. There is beer and liquor as well as a still and the setup of a microbrewery. You will be given a large five bedroom home with modern amenities and two acres of land that has been cleared for athletic fields and the like (including a driving range and putting green). This is a sweet set up, and one of the nicest prisons imaginable, but make no doubt about it, it is a prison.

And part of your punishment is choose four other people to share your exile. If everything is provided for you, and your life is fairly luxurious, how do you want to spend the rest of your life and who do you want to spend it with?

When thinking about my list, I was considering gender balance, personalities, and the ability to get along (or get over things quickly). I was also considering things like who they had out in the world (meaning: kids? spouse?), whether or not they liked hot weather and beaches and such (strangely, a number of people who I considered, like my brother, hate the beach and heat and everything associated with it. Weird, no?), areas of interests. (I prefer generalists to experts.)

Oh, and if they would have a grudge if I pulled them out of their lives and exiled them with me.

Who would be the four people that you would want with you?

I am still working on my list, I have three out of my four. Apart from my father, my list is private and I am not asking you to publicize yours, but...

Who would you want with you forever and would they forgive you for it? What traits would you value? What is important for you?

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