Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Notes from above ground

  • When you are talking, loudly, in a restaurant, about your philosophy concentration, think about where you are for a second.  There may be people who understand that you are being more than a little fraudulent.
  • Oh, and when talking about your blog, do not mention that it is the best blogging platform of 2001.  Or do.  It made me giggle.
  • The return of a couple of series this autumn has been like a warm emotional blanket.  Even though they are completely different formats, it is interesting to watch how How I Met Your Mother and Castle are sharing story lines. (Come on, if you watch either of the programs you know what I am saying.)
  • Angry BHO makes me happy.  "It is not class warfare.  It is math."
  • Big Blue (AKA The New York Football Giants) won big last night.  With Vick being hurt, I am looking forward to Sunday and football.
  • I am moderately irked by technology right now.
  • We had Chinese food last night from a place that Justice Scalia enjoys.  I wonder if it is the same type of Chinese (Hunan) food that the Founders intended us to have.

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