Friday, April 13, 2012

Freaky Friday

Yes, it is Friday the Thirteenth. It does not mean anything.

The song I woke up to in my head...
And I am not embarrassed to admit that I still love...

Yes, Jane Child was awesome!


Have you been reading the walkability piece in Slate?

I love walking and I think it is a great way to get from point a to point b with the least amount of impact on the people around you.

As part of the series, the article highlights the Walk Score of various areas. I looked at almost all the addresses that I have lived in as an adult. (Belltown in Seattle was the most walkable at 97 points. The lowest was the house that I grew up in at 40. I also looked up some friends' addresses. 88 to a 12. There were some that were surprising with a friend's urban home scoring a 36.)

Walk Score brought me to City-Go-Round which is an invaluable resource.

This is the second time recently that Walk Score came up. All Over Albany asked "How Walkable is Albany?" last month.

The Hunger Games
Cracked presents "What if the Hunger Games were 100% honest?"

I had a dream where I was one of the cast members of HIMYM and we were all living together in a summer share. Kevin Marshall may have been called by Marshall.

When a friend was looking for something to order in terms of takeout, I realized the paucity of good delivery/take-out places in Sycaway/Brunswick. This did get me think of who had the most convenient yet quality takeout/delivery in the area.

What do you call the blister/sore spot on the roof of your mouth that you have for a couple of days after taking a bite of too hot pizza?

Aside from rest, how can I treat a blister/hot spot on the top of one of my toes? I have lotioned it up with antibiotics and it is covered, there anything else I can do?

Is anyone else doing the Dodge the Deer Trail 5k? Better question...does anyone else want to do it with me?

When I find myself agreeing with Peggy Noonan, does that mean that she is making sense or that I am becoming more conservative/reactionary as I get older?

It is not secret that I love Slate's Political Gabfest, but does it seem off when John Dickerson is not on?


Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron

H/T Sandor
Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love walking and I think it is a great way to get from point a to point b with the least amount of impact on the people around you.

    I know what you're saying here, but the best part of walking is that you do have an impact on the people around you, in the sense that you're not walled off from society by 4,000 pounds of steel and glass. The small interactions with other real, live human beings on the walk to/from work make my day.


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