Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Means a Bird Attack

Attack of the Birds

For years, what was my grandparents' home, has been harassed by a female cardinal. No, seriously! Watch the video. That animal is persistent.

What does it mean? It is not like I was wearing a Mets hat yesterday.

Truly, this is an angry bird.

Traffic Analysis and Teat Cream
I had my first visit ever from Lyndonville, VT yesterday! Why is this exciting? Because Lydonville is the home of Bag Balm which is one of my favorite things ever. If you need a good salve or balm for what ails you, including hot spots and such, I have to suggest this. I have been using it since high school and farmers have been using it for so much longer.

Odd Dreams
I had a dream last night where I was stuck in a bus station during a Homeland Security lockdown. I ended up stealing a pack of cigarettes (craving much?), a bottle of Polar Club Soda (yes, by brand), and a bottle of cheap champagne from a vending machine. Yes, this vending machine had all three of the items and it was the old "pull handle" variety of machine.

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