Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thankful for Thursday

Geekery and Wanting

Isn't it cute? I am serious. What would I use it for though?

You can find it at ThinkGeek.

Thanks to All Over Albany
All Over Albany included a link to my post about my great great grandfather's book about the Geology of the Capital District in their What's Up in the Neighborhood post. Thank you, All Over Albany.

Thankful for ScarJo
It is not odd for someone to say that they crush on ScarJo. Why would it be? However, if you do not crush on her, maybe this will change your mind?

Yes, that is ScarJo covering "Summertime"...I do not think that I have anything else that I have to listen to today.

Via Pretty Much Amazing

I went out to do 5k last night.

I love running this route and I can run it forever...the only problem is the weird elevation, to save my knees, I walk allows me to keep going and it allows me to get a good sweat on, even if it screws up my split. I am not going to age gracefully, damn it.

I do have to average 2.2 miles per day for the next 19 days in order to reach my goal for April. My goal for May is to double my goal for April. Yes, I am trying to cause permanent injury. I know that I am never going to break 5 minutes again (I was able to do that at 18...I am more than twice that age now.) but I want to really push myself, even as friends (yes, Ashley, I know you are concerned) shake their heads at me.

Being in on the joke...

The other day, the loverly Paige informed me that I could be the Frank Black in her Pixies coverband. I did take it as a compliment, even though I am not that bloated...yet. I may be just as unbalanced, though.

It did make me sing this song in the shower this morning.

Though I think that Paige was thinking that we would do this as our first cover...

It's cute, no?

Pinterest and Someecards - I wonder if the women who plan their unrealistic weddings on Pinterest will plan their realistic divorces on Pinterest.


(Schadenfreude is awful yet awesome, no?)

Oh, Michigan

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

A Poem about Baseball
Ode to Opening Day
by Dave Landsberger
Promise smells like peanuts, ice in the urine trough, the citrus of halter tops
and sunburned comrades clenching salted cylindrical meats.
Today, Opening Day: An excuse to take the day off and not flock to pornography.

The beginning of a new business quarter for hobos!
The parking lot vendor affixes his counterfeit caps in single file rows,
the scalper polishes his subdued innuendos in the mirror that magicians his

A security guard shaves against the grain, thinking nothing of the inmates who would
charge his field,
and a blimp beautifies itself by fattening.
There are prayers in the locker room today, in the boom-boom room yesterday,

and even if the seagulls interrupt our prayers to congregate and discuss small morsels
on the field,
tomorrow’s prayers can be located in the box scores.
Here’s to the single piece of trash blowing across the diamond, transfixing the park’s
eye like a hornet,

tobacco and manila mangoes tingeing the groundskeepers of all thirty cities.
Here’s to scheduling weddings around bobblehead nights, golden sombreros.
Soon, the Red Line passengers will learn to hate the Red Line post-baseball game

like one is conditioned to hate traffic, tax season, Soviet chessmen.
Tell me: What is the market share for Lemon Chills during the offseason?
The first home run of the year is measured by the silence that precedes it:

The crack of the bat is much louder than the ash trees of the Earth care to remember.
To everyone who has a grandfather without a World Series to shuck their memories
think of each broken bat as a wishbone.

To everyone whose grandfathers have passed on, the videogames of heaven are played
in your eyes: Keep a scorecard for pretty girls,
the eternal battle of Left Field vs. Right Field regarding suckitude.

We will watch, we will adore, we will blaze our children in letters.
We will center our gaze on the high ratio of goatee wearing men, tanned by offices of
the sun.
We hold these truths to be self evident: beer me.

Via Slate's Hang Up and Listen

Today is a day that honors the greatest sandwich of all sandwiches.

It is National Grilled Cheese Day!


  1. I don't have the tardis safe, but I do have the tardis cookie jar from Think Geek. It makes the tardis noise and the light flashes when you close it. I keep dog biscuits in it. The doggies love it...but they're always disappointed when I'm watching Doctor Who and they hear the sound on the tv and don't get a treat.

    1. There is a Sarah Jane joke in there...I just don't know how to pull it off.

    2. My hubby and I have been watching through Doctor Who - in chronological order. We're on the 3rd doc, but I haven't seen Sarah Jane yet.

    3. She was a companion to the third and fourth Doctors.

    4. And that is an impressive task that you have taken upon yourself...


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