Monday, April 9, 2012

The Monday after Sunday before Tuesday

Mad Men
Do you watch Mad Men on AMC? Which character is your favorite? Over the past two seasons, my favorite has become...wait for it...Sally Draper.

I love the relationship that Sally has developed with her non-custodial father, Don, as well as the more antagonistic relationship that has been nurtured between Sally and her mother Betty. (Not that I am looking at this as a projection of my personal life. A) I am not nearly the "man of his era" that Don Draper is. B) My ex-wife is a wonderfully attentive and caring mother (and wife) who has a very good relationship with her son.) For me, the scenes that I most look forward to, and have since season 3 when she left the suburbs to travel to midtown, are Sally's interactions with Don. There is a sweetness and a realness to them that I find amazing. I would love to see more relationships like this on television.

What did you do for Easter? I spent time with my family, which was interesting in and of itself, but one of the best things about it was that I had a picture taken with my mom. It made me happy.

Thanks, Mom, for being wonderful.

There were no radishes at the TRFM but there were some at Price Chopper. I did not get them (seasonal is important to me) but they were there, tempting me.

Radishes, coarse salt, black pepper and olive oil with a crusty bread and an ice cold over hopped beer...this is a recipe for a perfect afternoon.

The Mets are in first. The Red Sox are winless. All is right in the world, at least after the first weekend of baseball.


  1. A very nice Picture of you and your Mom!

    Forgot to place my name before...sorry.

    YOU continue to entertain me.

    Kate McCue

    1. Kate, because you are using a blogger account, I know it is you.

      Thank you for the compliment!

  2. My favorite character is Peggy Olsen, however I am a big fan of Sally Draper. Betty Draper Francis, however, is easily my least favorite character. It's too bad, because the season she met Henry and left Don for him, I was just starting to like her. She's a miserable person, and I hate how she treats Sally.

    1. Oh, I love how awful Betty is. I am sure that you know women (and men) like her, so sure that they are correct and so incredibly banal in what they think is important or relevant. Her relationship with Don was perfect because they were both looking for the ideal future and the image they provided rather than the reality that they were both flawed people living an interesting conception of what life together means.

      Peggy is such an odd character. Maybe it is because I still see too much Zoey Bartlett in the character.


Be nice. Sign your name.