Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Lesser of the Evils

Coleman, Franken Camps Gear Up for Recount in Minnesota - The Caucus Blog -

I had dinner last night with FAU and we were talking about this race.

We both agreed that at this point, neither of these men deserve to win. We (or I) have known since the the murder of Paul Wellstone (calling a spade a spade) that Norm Coleman was a bad person and a bad public servant, and FAU mentioned that Franken has been a demagogue for the left for years (Rush Limbaugh of the latte drinking set) and he probably hasn't been the best example of the paradigm of bi-partisanship that President-Elect Obama wants.

So...can we work this so that neither of these men win? Norm Coleman can go back to doing whatever he does since he switched from being a Democrat (he was elected as a Democrat to the Mayorship of St. Paul) and Al Franken can go back to his writing and Air America gigs...

And all will be right with the world...

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