Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Morning Obama Post

From the New York Times - Obama's Thank You Note to Illinois which he name checks Lincoln which leads to Gawker's Obama as Lincoln Shows No Sign of Abating which is a little bit of a meta commentary on Newsweek's main article on Obama's Lincoln which talks about Lincoln's "Team of Rivals" vis-a-vis the rumored Sen. Clinton to the State Department appointment which leads to....the Atlantic's piece on how well Obama is staffing his White House and as Andrew Sullivan points out, he is already "waaay" ahead of President Clinton...maybe because Obama has former Clinton Administiration staffers to cherry pick from or as Cokie Roberts called it this morning on NPR's Morning Edition...the Democratic government-in-exile that has been working in and around Washington these last eight years.

Edit: And I missed N+1's (Eli Evans) posting on Privacy (in the age of Obama) which is worth a read.

For privacy, he reminded us, is not a function of being out of sight, beyond the limits of the perception of others; it is, rather, that sacred space at the heart of every intimacy, open only to those who share in it.

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