Thursday, November 20, 2008


Local colleges see savings shrink

From the article:

Officials acknowledge that tuition hikes are possible, a burden for families already struggling in the current economic climate.

To put this in perspective...

BusinessWeek's 50 Most Expensive Colleges: Union College

From the Albany Times Union: Union College 4th Highest Tuition, Skidmore 8th Most Expensive

Tuition hikes are already possible at two of the most expensive colleges in the country?

As one of the HR blogs says...

Union College? I'm sure it's great, but once you get out of the Northeast, some Midwestern recruiter is going to ask you if that's "the junior college over by Cedar Rapids". You just paid more than 130K after discounts to get the sheepskin.


  1. Well, the point about Union having little recognition outside of the Northeast is valid. But, why would anyone want to leave the Northeast?

    You and I have both done that and look how that turned out: we're back at home base.

  2. @FAU

    Aside from the ability to visit friends, I see no need to travel to the left coast any longer either.

    How long would out food last if we succeeded from the Union?


Be nice. Sign your name.