Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Wonkette : Getch’r Tickets To Sean Hannity’s Concert Series! FOR AMERICA.

Here is the line-up...

Billy Ray Cyrus (Hannah Montana's Dad [Who posed nude...or something...hell of a role model there, America...and lest we forget...that really creepy father-daughter portrait)

Charlie Daniels (Who sings about the DEVIL, much like Judas Priest and Stevie Wonder)

Michael W. Smith (Who sings love songs to Jesus...which is the only man on man loving that is appropriate, yet...still banned in California)

Lee Greenwood (Who is proud to be an American, yet was born in California, during the 1940s...take from that what you want)


Wait for it...

Oliver North (who set up Fawn Hall [remember her?] to be the bad person in like 198-something and who worked with Terrorists...yes, the Contras were terrorists folks)

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