Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Link Dump

Ohes Noes!  Sen. Clinton may not be eligible for Secretary of State (Gawker, Wonkette)

But, the Secretary of Labor may be a lesbian, making the first out LGBT Cabinet Secretary. (Gawker)

David Paterson feels like a "Prom Queen" (which may make him America's first Gay, Blind, and African American Governor) ( CityRoom via All Over Albany)

And the weirdest thing I have read today...

Doctors Discover Rise in "Self-Embedding" Disorder...which I thought was about Geraldo in Afghanistan,'s about... actual disorder where people, especially teens, embed objects in their bodies.

And not cool things like cell phone receptors nor bionic eyes, like some of Gibson or Stephenson's Otaku...

Things like...paperclips.  (io9)

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