Thursday, December 4, 2008

President Elect Obama on Line One, Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen

Via NPR, Wonkette, & Gawker...

In brief, Illena Ros-Lehtinen (House Site, Wikipedia, Campaign Site) got a "prank phone call" from President Elect Obama, hangs up on that prankster, then got a followup prank call from Rep. Emanuel, who also happens to be the Chief of Staff Select for President, hangs up on that prankster, gets a call from Rep. Berman telling her (only after having to prove who he was) that she had, in fact, hung up twice on the President Elect.

How do we know this?

Because she had a press release about it...

Please remember this when it is time for her to be re-elected.

There are no jokes that I can make that would be any funnier than what I just wrote.  The absurdity of this...and...

It's all Sarah Palin's fault...or Gawker thinks it is...

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