Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Meet the New Senator

Yes, I talked about this before my hiatus. (My pick was/is Cuomo.)

All Over Albany is addressing it again...

Andrew Cuomo

Current job: NY Attorney General

Why he would be picked: He's a big name. He has experience in the federal government (he was HUD Secretary during the Clinton admin). People in NY seem to be OK with the idea of a Senator Cuomo. It might help Paterson because Cuomo's had his eye on Paterson's job.

Why he wouldn't be picked: He doesn't fit the profile that Paterson reportedly is using. Sure, people polled say they're in favor of him, but maybe that's because they don't recognize the other names. And Paterson might be annoyed that Cuomo's people seem to be spreading rumors that Cuomo is the front runner.

And the Washington Post is talking about a "Rush for Clinton's Senate Seat"

tend to favor a well-known Democrat who has name recognition and proven fundraising ability -- specifically Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo, a Cabinet official under President Bill Clinton and son of a former governor.


Who is it going to be?

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