Monday, December 1, 2008

Magazines: Mystery of Tina Fey's Scar Solved

Magazines: Mystery of Tina Fey's Scar Solved

As a huge 30 Rock fan, as well as Mean Girls, et cetera...I had always wondered what the secret of the scar was...

Now I know...

Liz Lemon favors her right side. That’s because a faint scar runs across Tina Fey’s left cheek, the result of a violent cutting attack by a stranger when Fey was five. Her husband says, “It was in, like, the front yard of her house, and somebody who just came up, and she just thought somebody marked her with a pen.” You can hardly see the scar in person. But I agree with Richmond that it makes Fey more lovely, like a hint of Marlene Dietrich noir glamour in a Preston Sturges heroine.

And the New Yorker thinks that Fey is "not so good" on 30 Rock

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