Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meghan's Top Five Singles

Meghan submitted her top five singles for The Singles Project.

Sarah McLachlin – Hold On

I have loved this song for years and it remains one of my all time favorites. It speaks of such love and strength.

Pearl Jam – Black

I turn the car radio up the loudest when this song comes on. It contains some of the most haunting and heartbreaking lyrics I know.

The Promise - Tracy Chapman

I first heard this song after a bad break up, and I listened to it on repeat every night before I fell asleep for a long time. Within a year, I met my future husband (again) and realized that we had been separated by time and distance and didn’t even know it. The song described us in so many ways.

Coldplay – Clocks

I fell in love to this song. It was our theme.

Landslide - Fleetwood Mac/Smashing Pumpkins

I don’t even know where I first heard this song, as I’m not a Fleetwood Mac fan, but I love it, and all of the covers that have been made of it, especially the one by Smashing Pumpkins.

Such a good list! Thanks, Meghan!

Please keep sending your lists in!

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