Thursday, January 27, 2011

Diner Food

All Over Albany had a great post up earlier in the week about diner food in the Albany area. (The included the Halfmoon Diner and as you know, I had quite possibly the worst dining experience of my life there which was part of a spectacularly crappy day.)

Miss Albany topped this list (oh, and if you noticed, MAD made the TU today) and of course they did. They are always good and very often excellent. They are what diners should be.

That being said, I want to make another plea for the Pearl Street Diner(Facebook Page).

I rarely change my breakfast menu. Coffee, rye toast, home fries and two or three poached eggs. It is an "easy meal" as in it sounds simple, but is can be screwed up spectacularly. (The eggs go on the toast, not in a bowl on the side, and I am talking to you, Johnny B's Diner.) Poaching anything well is difficult and poaching it badly is surprisingly simple.

While the Pearl Street Diner has been good the six or so times I have been there, this morning the eggs were poached to perfection. As Anthony Bourdain said on Top Chef All-Stars during the Restaurant Wars episode if you put a runny egg on anything, you have made it delicious. Today, the perfectly poached egg on the well buttered rye toast was as close to Heaven as I am ever going to get.

So, when you are in Downtown Albany next, and the Miss Albany Diner is packed, or you are just looking for something new to try, I plead with you to try the Pearl Street Diner, and have the poached eggs. I cannot promise that they are going to be a sublimely good as they were this morning, but I can promise that they will be tasty.

(Off topic for a minute: How do you like your eggs? This post (and Runaway Bride, and yes, I have seen the film, and yes, it made enough of an impression on my that I think about it) talked about cereal as the litmus test for compatibility but I don't like cereal. I really don't like it. I am a hot breakfast person, and I love eggs, toast, and coffee. I swear that someone I dated only put up with me because I was strict about making a hot breakfast even when she had to leave the house by 6:30 to get to work. It was my only decent behavior, but I never asked her how she liked her eggs. So, are eggs a better test? You can't get Kix at your local diner (or I pray that you can't) so...maybe eggs?)

(Off topic for another minute: And for the foodies out there, and the Top Chef fans too, here is a great post from people who were at the Restaurant Wars in person and recounted their experience.)


  1. I've had eggs many different ways and enjoy them all, but my #1 go-to is over medium. The yolk is mostly cooked, but there's a little bit of runny yolk left to be sopped up with the toast. I've been known to send eggs back (politely, of course) to ask them to redo them to my satisfaction.

  2. Over easy x 3, double white toast, bacon, homefries, and a diet Pepsi. No wonder I'm fat and have hardening of the arteries.

    I see you had double rye. Score.

  3. @strayfarce I never send anything back.

    @JT Of course. It was cold this morning and I was hungry.

  4. I have to be honest, runny eggs seriously gross me out. (No, I have never actually tasted one. And I am okay with that.) Scrambled hard or fried hard. With a well-toasted, buttered English muffin.

  5. Fish, there are a lot of things that seriously gross you out, aren't there?


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